Hotel Ferrari | 4 stars hotel in San Vitaliano

"Life is a trip, traveling is living twice"

Omar Khayyam

If you stay at the Best Western Hotel Ferrari in Naples Nola, you are in a strategic position to discover the area, also during the free time of your business trip.


Nola and its surroundings are waiting to be discovered: small characteristic towns with a fascinating history, sumptuous popular festivals and endless possibilities to spend unforgettable moments.

You can find, here below, some suggestions on places not to be missed but we are at your disposal to give you further information.


The city of Nola experienced a particular glory between the 6th and 5th centuries BC, as evidenced by the various necropolises existing in the area.

The original name "Novla", or "new city", probably derives from the name it received from the Samnite populations, who ousted the Etruscan and Greek ruling classes from power.

Today, Nola is a city that offers many services, shops and ideas for pleasant stays, both for business and for moments of relaxation.
An important commercial hub, the Cis and the Interporto Campano, make Nola a privileged destination for business travellers.


The complex of the Basilicas of Cimitile, north of Nola, is characterized by the presence of 7 buildings of worship, from the early Christian and medieval ages, dominated by the church built at the end of the 18th century.
In the original nucleus of the complex, there is the tomb of San Felice priest, who was buried at the end of the third century: it is a fascinating example of early Christian European art, which proves the transition from the late empire to the Middle Ages and from paganism to Christianity.


An interesting starting point for a weekend dedicated to history and art!



The fascinating Festival of the Lilies is held every year in the city, to celebrate the legendary return of San Paolino, bishop of Nola, from captivity.

Bishop Paolino, after the release of all the Nolans from the imprisonment of the Vandals, was welcomed with joy by the citizens, who carried flowers in their hands (which would later become the Lilies) collected in the countryside.
Nowadays these flowers have become wooden obelisks up to 30 meters high whiche are carried around the neck and made to "dance" every year, to honor the saint and give a sign of gratitude and affection.


The Royal Palace of Caserta is a historic residence that belonged to the royal house of the Borboni of Naples, surrounded by a vast park, within which there are two distinct sections: the Italian Garden, with the famous Great Waterfall, and the English Garden, with its woods.

Find out more about the Royal Palace of Caserta


In Sarno, 15 km from Nola, there is the most qualified karting circuit in the world.


Every year, several times a year, the circuit becomes the stage for national and international competitions with great media coverage.



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